Executive Board and Committees

Boards Of Directors

Name (alphabetical order) Cargo
Efraim Schmuel Horn Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors

He has held the position of effective member of the Company’s Board of Directors since June 2020, and has been Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors since July 2020. Since 2004 at Cyrela Brazil Realty, a shareholder of the Company, he worked in the areas of Land, Finance and was in charge of the company’s expansion activities to the North and Northeast. Currently, the executive is co-president of Cyrela Brazil Realty, responsible for the São Paulo, North and Northeast Business Units, as well as Urban Development and Land. He holds a degree in Business Administration and Philosophy from Talmudic University of Florida (TUF), with an MBA from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP).

Miguel Maia Mickelberg Member of the Board of Directors

He has held the position of effective member of the Company’s Board of Directors since July 2020. Miguel has been with Cyrela Brazil Realty, a shareholder of the Company, since 2007 and holds the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Investor Relations Officer. He is currently responsible for the areas of controllership, financial planning, accounting, taxes, investor relations, corporate debt raising, project-related debt raising and information technology. Prior to serving as CFO, Miguel was Controller at Cyrela Brazil Realty. He holds a degree in Economics from UFRGS and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management, having obtained a Certificate in Finance from the same school.

Mônica Pires da Silva Independent Member of the Board of Directors

She has held the position of independent member of the Company’s Board of Directors since July 2020, and since the same period she has held the position of member and coordinator of the Statutory Audit Committee of Plano&Plano. She has been Director of the Department of Micro, Small, Medium Industry/ Acelera Startups at FIESP since January 2024, and has been an effective member of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco since May 2023.Professional with 30 years of experience in leading multinational and cross-functional teams in finance, business operation, mergers and acquisitions, business strategy transformation, recovery and new start-ups. He also has experience in leading global processes and transformation and innovative projects, shared services initiatives, business transformation. Experience as Director of Finance, Processes and Innovation. Leading initiatives to promote awareness and empowerment of Directors about revolutionary innovation processes/technologies. Pioneer in infrastructure management support Hackathons at IBM Brazil. Experience as an entrepreneur – owner of the School of Professional Courses. Experience working in environments of revolutionary technologies. Solid experience in Finance, including responsibility for Strategic and Financial Planning, Forecasting, Budget Control, Capex Coordination, Pricing, Management Reports, Balance Sheet, Revenues and Expenses, Cost Analysis of Products/Services, Tax and Risk Management. Experience in relationship, strategy and financial incentives with business partners. Solid experience in Audit, Controls and Compliance Processes, including responsibility for Implementing Sarbanes-Oxley at IBM Brazil. Solid experience in Strategy and Business Operations, including responsibility for Business Process Reengineering, sales operational support, management team project leadership, risk management, contracting and purchasing. Hands-on experience in team management, restructuring and optimization of finances, tax operations departments. Responsible for mergers and acquisitions analysis, shared services business case analysis and Business Process Reengineering. Leadership in national and international projects of integration/restructuring processes during M&A, coordinating more than 100 people. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from UFRJ, and a bachelor’s degree in Law from Candido Mendes University.

Nelson Roseira Gomes Neto Independent Member of the Board of Directors

He has held the position of independent member of the Company’s Board of Directors since July 2020. Since January 2024, he has held the position of Chief Executive Officer of Cosan S.A. Nelson Gomes assumed the position of director and president of Compass Gas & Energy in March 2020. He is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Commit, Sulgás and NectaGas, and a member of the Board of Directors of Comgás, a company where he served as Chief Executive Officer from 2016 to 2020. Nelson Roseira Gomes Neto began his career at ExxonMobil, where he held leadership positions in several countries in the Fuels, Lubricants and Convenience Stores businesses. He returned to Brazil in 2008, assuming the leadership of the Lubricants business (now Moove), already under the management of Cosan, where he remained until 2014, when he became vice president of Cosan S.A. The following year, he assumed the presidency of the company, a position he held until 2016. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering, with specialization in Marketing, Corporate Finance and Administration.

Rodrigo Fairbanks von Uhlendorff Member of the Board of Directors

He has held the position of effective member of the Company’s Board of Directors since June 2020. Since June 2020, he has also held the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Company. Since 1997 he has been a partner of Plano & Plano Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda, the Company’s predecessor. He is a member of the Union of Construction Industries of São Paulo, where he participates in the Technology, Quality and Environment Committee and the Fiscal Council (SindusCon-SP) and the Buildings, Use and Land Commission (CEUSO). Graduated in Civil Engineering and Business Administration from Mackenzie University and Owner President and Management from Harvard Business School.

Rodrigo Uchoa Luna Chairman of the Board of Directors

He has been a member of the Company’s Board of Directors since June 2020, holding the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors since July 2020. He also holds the position of Vice-President of the Company. He is a founding partner of Incorporadora e Construtora Plano&Plano, a company of the Company’s economic group. He was a former president of FIABCI-Brasil and is currently vice-president of Economic Housing at Secovi-SP and Director of the Advisory Committee on Real Estate Financial Products at Secovi. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Mackenzie University.

Executive Board

Name (alphabetical order) Cargo
Gustavo Augusto Trombeli Director of Engineering

He has held the position of Director of Engineering of the Company since November 2022. Gustavo Trombeli has been working for the Company for more than 23 years, having held various positions in the Engineering area of Plano & Plano, including construction management, planning, budgeting, work safety and technical assistance. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Mackenzie University, an MBA in Technology and Management in Building Production from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (POLI-USP) and a certificate in Financial Management and Business Performance from Insper.

João Luis Ramos Hopp Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Financial Officer

He holds the position of Executive Vice President, having been elected in April 2024, and has also, since July 2020, been the Company’s Investor Relations Officer. He also holds, on an interim basis, the position and functions of Chief Financial Officer of the Company. Previously, he was Production Director, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer (15 years as CFO and 14 years as IRO) at Saraiva S.A. Livreiros Editores ±1990 to 2014). In 2017/2018 he was an Independent Member of the Board of Directors of Saraiva S.A. Livreiros Editores and since February 2020 he has been CFO Plano & Plano Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda. He is also a partner of Ecodescartes Manufacture Reversa, a company focused on sorting, dismantling and proper disposal for recycling solid waste (electronics); of Play Tennis Cabo Verde, H2G Corretorgem de Seguros Ltda., and Participatory Partner of 3Albe Plus, a company focused on the production and distribution of products aimed at preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. None of these companies is part of the Company’s economic group. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the School of Engineering of Mackenzie University and a postgraduate degree in business administration (CEAG) from the School of Business Administration of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (EAESP/FGV), and an MBA with a concentration in finance from EAESP/FGV. He also attended the position of Board Member at the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance (IBGC) and completed Executive Education Launching New Ventures at Harvard Business School.

Leonardo Araújo Director of Financial Operations

He has held the position of Chief Financial Operations Officer of the Company since June 2020. Leonardo Araújo has been with the Company for approximately 9 years, being responsible for risk management and accounts receivable, including the areas of credit, collection, accounts receivable, on-lending and fundraising. He has been working professionally for more than 20 years, having worked for major national and multinational companies such as Banco General Motors do Brasil, where he worked for approximately 8 years occupying positions in the commercial and financial areas and Construtora Tenda, where he worked for approximately 4 years and held the positions of credit manager and financial services manager. None of these companies is part of the Company’s economic group. She also has training in the area of personal development, having completed training in Neurolinguistic Programming and Financial Coaching Practitioner at the Financial Coaching Institute – ICF. He holds a degree in Business Administration, a postgraduate degree in Marketing, an MBA in Finance and Controllership from INPG and a Specialization in Credit Risk Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo – FGV and an MBA in Finance, Investments and Banking from the Pontifical Catholic University – PUCRS.

Renée Garófalo Silveira Director of Real Estate Deveopment

She has held the position of Chief Development Officer of the Company since June 2020. He has been with the Plano & Plano Group for almost 13 years, among these, 9 years he served as head of the Natal Branch, Cyrela Plano&Plano. Operation in partnership with Cyrela Brazil Realty, launching more than R$ 1 billion in PSV. His 23 years of professional experience had an eclectic trajectory, starting with teaching and working in Market Studies companies, where he had his first contact with the real estate market, where he has been working for more than 17 years. With the expertise of Market Intelligence, he had the opportunity to develop the market intelligence areas of companies such as Gafisa and the Carrefour Group. Renée holds a degree in Geography from PUC-SP, a Master’s degree in Architecture from FAU-USP and a specialist in Environmental and Quality Management from SENAC. He also has training in Quality Management Systems, as a Leader Advisor of ISO 14000 and 9000, and training in Coaching by SBC Coaching.

Rodrigo Fairbanks von Uhlendorff Chief Executive Officer

He has held the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Company since June 2020. He has also held the position of effective member of the Company’s Board of Directors since June 2020. Since 1997 he has been a partner of Plano & Plano Desenvolvimento Imobiliário Ltda, the Company’s predecessor. He is a member of the Union of Construction Industries of São Paulo, where he participates in the Technology, Quality and Environment Committee and the Fiscal Council (SindusCon-SP) and the Buildings, Use and Land Commission (CEUSO). Graduated in Civil Engineering and Business Administration from Mackenzie University and Owner President and Management from Harvard Business School.

Rodrigo Uchoa Luna Vice President

He has held the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Company since July 2020. He has also been a member of the Company’s Board of Directors since June 2020, holding the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors since July 2020. He is a founding partner of Incorporadora e Construtora Plano&Plano, a company of the Company’s economic group. He was a former president of FIABCI-Brasil and is currently vice-president of Economic Housing at Secovi-SP and Director of the Advisory Committee on Real Estate Financial Products at Secovi. He holds a degree in Civil Engineering from Mackenzie University.

Wevertonn de Oliveira Costa Director of Sales

He holds the position of Chief Commercial Officer of the Company, to which he was elected in April 2024. Since January 2021, he has held the position of Head of Commercial and Sales at Plano&Vendas, a subsidiary of the Company that concentrates the sales force of the properties developed by Plano&Plano. He has been a real estate broker since 2013, has 27 years of experience in the commercial area, having worked at Ambev, Gafisa and MRV. He holds a degree in Real Estate Management from ITED/PA and History from UFRN, an MBA in Administration from UNIFACS/BA, a specialization in management by guidelines from INDG and advanced analytical training from IBMEC.

Audit Committee

Name (alphabetical order) Cargo
Carlos Antonio Vergara Cammas Member of Audit Committee

He has held the position of member of the Company’s Statutory Audit Committee since July 2020. He has a good relationship in the financial market with regulatory bodies and class associations, Visiting Professor in several disciplines of Postgraduate courses. He has a career of more than 30 years as an executive in Financial Institutions in Brazil and Consulting and Auditing companies, such as Banco Itaú, Banco Francês e Brasileiro, EY – Ernst & Young, PWC – PricewaterhouseCoopers, Dresdner Bank, Banco Santander, among others. He has been serving for years on Fiscal Councils, Audit Committees and Risk Committees of companies operating in various sectors of the economy. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economic and Administrative Sciences from the Universidad de Chile; Commercial Engineer and Auditor Accountant from the Universidad de Chile. MBA in Derivatives and Risks BM&F (currently B3); Executive MBA in Finance IBMEC; Post-Graduation in Accounting from the University of São Paulo – USP.

Iêda Aparecida Patrício Novais Member of Audit Committee

He holds the position of member of the Company’s Statutory Audit Committee. Since 2003 she has been a Specialist Professor of the MBA at LARC – Laboratory of Architecture and Computer Networks, at the Polytechnic School (Electrical Engineering) of USP, and is also currently an instructor at the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance -IBGC. At Fundação Getúlio Vargas, he participated in the Program of Continuing Education of the Third Sector and Strategic Business Planning. He has more than 40 years of professional experience in business and business management. In the last 12 years, he has served on Boards focused on sustainability, management and appointments, representing KPMG, BDO and Mariaca & Associates. She was Executive President of the Network of Brazilian Women Leaders for Sustainability of the Ministry of the Environment from 2011 to 2015. He was a member of the Strategic Committee on Corporate Governance of the American Chamber of Commerce – Amcham from 2002 to 2006 and from 2007 to 2013. She is a member of the Board of Directors, a member of the Fiscal Council and a member of the Audit Committee certified by experience by the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance – IBGC. She has been a member of Women Corporate Directors – WCD since 2009. She has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Housing and Urban Development Company of the State of São Paulo – CDHU since 2018, of the Clube de Campo de São Paulo and of Bem Querer Mulher. He coordinates the Audit Committees of UBEC, CDHU and GetNinjas. Previously it was. Vice-Chairman of the Board of IBGC, Member of the Board of Directors of Omni Serviços Financeiros (Omni Serviços Financeiros ), the American Chamber of Commerce (Amcham) and the National Quality Foundation (FNQ). He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Communications / Public Relations from the School of Communications and Arts at USP. She has a degree in Communications from the Faculty of Education and Pedagogy from the same institution.

Mônica Pires da Silva Member and coordinator of Audit Committee

She has held the position of member and coordinator of the Company’s Statutory Audit Committee since July 2020, and since the same period she has also held the position of independent member of the Board of Directors of Plano&Plano. She has been Director of the Department of Micro, Small, Medium Industry/ Acelera Startups at FIESP since January 2024, and has been an effective member of the Fiscal Council of Banco Bradesco since May 2023.Professional with 30 years of experience in leading multinational and cross-functional teams in finance, business operation, mergers and acquisitions, business strategy transformation, recovery and new start-ups. He also has experience in leading global processes and transformation and innovative projects, shared services initiatives, business transformation. Experience as Director of Finance, Processes and Innovation. Leading initiatives to promote awareness and empowerment of Directors about revolutionary innovation processes/technologies. Pioneer in infrastructure management support Hackathons at IBM Brazil. Experience as an entrepreneur – owner of the School of Professional Courses. Experience working in environments of revolutionary technologies. Solid experience in Finance, including responsibility for Strategic and Financial Planning, Forecasting, Budget Control, Capex Coordination, Pricing, Management Reports, Balance Sheet, Revenues and Expenses, Cost Analysis of Products/Services, Tax and Risk Management. Experience in relationship, strategy and financial incentives with business partners. Solid experience in Audit, Controls and Compliance Processes, including responsibility for Implementing Sarbanes-Oxley at IBM Brazil. Solid experience in Strategy and Business Operations, including responsibility for Business Process Reengineering, sales operational support, management team project leadership, risk management, contracting and purchasing. Hands-on experience in team management, restructuring and optimization of finances, tax operations departments. Responsible for mergers and acquisitions analysis, shared services business case analysis and Business Process Reengineering. Leadership in national and international projects of integration/restructuring processes during M&A, coordinating more than 100 people. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from UFRJ, and a bachelor’s degree in Law from Candido Mendes University.

Fiscal Council

Name (alphabetical order) Cargo
Agnaldo Santos Pereira Alternate member of the Fiscal Council

He holds the position of alternate member of the Company’s Fiscal Council, to which he was elected in April 2024. For 19 years he has been Director of the Brazilian Institute of Management/RJ. Previously, he was a member of the Board of Directors of OSX Brasil S/A, and served as an Executive in companies such as Control Data Corporation, Control Data do Brasil, Companhia de Cigarettes Souza Cruz, Gillette do Brasil, BNDES and Banco Fininvest, in addition to extensive experience as a consultant. He works as a professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, INSPER/IBMEC, COPPE-UFRJ and HSM Educação. He holds a Ph.D. in Finance from Florida Christian University, a Master’s degree in Business Administration with a specialization in Finance from IBMEC and a postgraduate degree in Economic Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Eduardo Georges Chehab Alternate member of the Fiscal Council

He holds the position of alternate member of the Fiscal Council, to which he was elected in April 2024. He is also a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committees of Armac Lease and Rio+ Saneamento. He is a member of the Fiscal Council of the companies EcoRodovias and Multiner. and a member of KPMG’s Audit Committee. Previously, he was Director of Corporate Governance Scores and Corporate Ratings at S&P Global Ratings, Deputy Credit Officer at Banco ABN AMRO Real S.A. He holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Polytechnic School of USP, a postgraduate degree in Business Administration from FGV/CEAG and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Insper.

Euchério Lerner Rodrigues Effective member of the Fiscal Council

He holds the position of effective member of the Company’s Fiscal Council, to which he was elected in April 2024. Currently, he holds the position of Superintendent of Finance at Dataprev, as well as being a judicial expert and referee. For more than 30 years, he has been a professor at Fundação Getúlio Vargas, teaching Finance for boards of directors, Derivatives Markets, Capital Markets and Corporate Finance. Previously, he was a member of the Board of Directors of Cia de Desenvolvimento Industrial do Rio de Janeiro – CODIN, an independent member of the Board of Directors of ETERNIT S.A., being responsible for the turnaround and the entire judicial reorganization cycle, which resulted in the restructuring of the company, and CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of OSX Brasil S/A from November 2013 to February 2015. He also served on the Fiscal Council of CEB- Cia Energética de Brasília S.A. and the JHSF Group. He holds a degree in Business Administration from Santa Ursula University, a master’s degree in Business Administration with a focus on finance from PPGA/UFRGS and a PhD in Business Administration with a focus on finance from COPPEAD/UFRJ.

João Verner Juenemann Effective member of the Fiscal Council

He holds the position of effective member of the Company’s Fiscal Council, to which he was elected in April 2024. He currently holds the position of independent member of the Board of Directors, and independent member of the Audit Committee of Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul S.A. (Banrisul), a company in which he has worked for more than 20 years on the management bodies, being considered a specialist in accounting and finance. Since 2020 he has served as an effective member of the Fiscal Council of the companies Brasiliana Participações S.A., Mesa Participações S.A. and Multiner S.A., Statkraft Energias Renováveis S.A. and since 2009 on the Fiscal Council of Dimed S.A. Distribuidora de Medicamentos. Previously, from 2014 to 2022, he was an effective member of the Fiscal Council of Saraiva S.A. Livreiros Editores, having also held positions as a member of the Fiscal Council of the companies NotreDame Intermédica Participações S.A., HT Micron Semiconductors S.A., Vibra Energia S.A., Tupy S.A., Klabin S.A., and TIM Participações. He was a professor at the Department of Accounting and Actuarial Sciences of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul from 1972 to 1986, and since 2004 he has been a lecturer in Courses for Board Members, Best Corporate Governance Practices, Audit Committees and Fiscal Councils of the IBGC. He worked for more than 20 years as an Accounting Expert and Investigator, having worked at the Arbitral Court of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris in 2010. He holds a degree in Business Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Accounting and Actuarial Sciences from PUC-RS, and a postgraduate degree in Auditing from UFRGS.

Lauro Arcângelo Zanol Effective member of the Fiscal Council

He holds the position of effective member of the Company’s Fiscal Council, to which he was elected in April 2024.Currently, he holds the position of member of the Board of Directors of TELEBRAS, of the Board of Directors, of the Governance and Sustainability Committee and of the People, Eligibility, Succession and Compensation Committee of Banco da Amazônia S.A. Previously, he was a member of the Fiscal Council of Saraiva Livreiros S.A, Banco da Amazônia S.A., TELEBRAS and the Italian Chamber of Commerce RS. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and a postgraduate degree in Business Law from IPB/FAMART.

Maria Carmen Westerlund Alternate member of the Fiscal Council

She holds the position of alternate member of the Company’s Fiscal Council, to which she was elected in April 2024. She has also served as coordinator of the audit and risk committee of Alper Consultoria e Corretora de Seguros S.A. since 2017, coordinator since 2021, member of the finance and investments committee of Tupy S.A. since June 2023 and member of the audit committee of Metalfrio Solutions S.A. since March 2024. He worked at BNDES Participações S.A. – BNDESPAR, where he developed his professional career consisting of thirty-seven years of experience in variable income activities, as an analyst, investment manager (business, retail, textile, agribusiness, pulp and paper, telecommunications and infrastructure segments), head of the Communication and Culture Department of BNDES (2004) and economist of the investment and stock portfolio monitoring department (May 1976-June 2013). He was a member of the Fiscal Councils of BANRISUL – Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul S.A. (March 2018/Nov. 2019); and in companies in the electricity sector, Brasiliana Participações S.A. (incumbent 2019-2020 and alternate 2018-2019); AES Tietê Energia (2014-2018; 2011-2013), Eletropaulo Metropolitana Eletricidade de São Paulo (2014-2019 and 2011-2013); AES Elpa S.A. (2011-2013): Klabin S.A. (pulp and paper sector), as an alternate member (2017-2019); at Petrobras Distribuidora S.A., as an alternate member (2019-2021) and at Saraiva Livreiros S.A. She is an economist graduated from the Faculty of Political and Economic Sciences of Rio de Janeiro of the Candido Mendes University, with a bachelor’s degree in Letters from PUC/RJ, with a specialization in Capital Markets from EPGE/FGV/RJ, AN Executive MBA from COPPEAD/UFRJ and improvement in GRC – Governance, Risk & Compliance by KPMG Risk University.