Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to Invest in Stocks?

Before looking for a Brokerage Firm, it is recommended that you study the subject on the B3 (São Paulo Stock Exchange) website. After that, the next step is to contact a Brokerage Firm. Brokerage Firms and other financial intermediaries have professionals specialized in market, sector, and company analysis, who can help you understand the right time to buy and sell certain stocks to achieve better results.

You can also trade stocks online. For this, you need to be a client of a B3 Brokerage Firm that offers the Home Broker system, which allows stock trading over the Internet.

How Can I Contact the Investor Relations Department?

To contact the Investor Relations Department, please reach out using the details below:

Investor Relations Officer: Mr. João Luis Ramos Hopp

📞 Phone: +55 (11) 4095-7332

✉️ Email: /

The team is available to address inquiries and provide information related to the Company.

Where Are Plano & Plano's Shares Traded?

The shares are listed on the Novo Mercado Corporate Governance segment of B3 under the ticker symbol “PLPL3”.

4) How and where does Plano & Plano disclose its information?

Free float refers to the shares available for trading in the market, excluding those held by controlling shareholders and treasury shares held by the company.

The total number of shares of the company is 203,901,000, of which 54,900,491 are not held by controlling shareholders. The company holds 5,096,500 shares in treasury. Therefore, Plano & Plano’s free float ratio is 26.9%.

How and Where Does Plano & Plano Disclose Its Information?

All material facts, earnings announcements, and other market communications from Plano & Plano are simultaneously disclosed to the CVM/B3 and the Investor Relations section of the Company’s website ( These are also later sent via email to individuals who subscribe to receive such information. To subscribe, please click here.

Publications required by the Brazilian Corporation Law are made available in the São Paulo State Official Gazette (DOESP) and the newspaper “O Dia.”

Additional information about the Company can also be found on the websites of B3 ( and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (

What Are the Rights, Advantages, and Restrictions of Plano & Plano’s Common Shares?

The shares grant their holders the same rights, advantages, and restrictions inherent to the common shares issued by the Company, including the right to participate in the Company’s general meetings and exercise all the prerogatives granted to common shares, as applicable.

The shares also entitle their holders to the full receipt of dividends and other profits of any kind that may be declared in accordance with the provisions of the Brazilian Corporation Law, the Novo Mercado Regulation, and the Company’s Articles of Incorporation. Among the rights and benefits assured to the holders of the shares, the following are highlighted:

(a) Right to vote in the Company’s general meetings, with each common share corresponding to one vote;

(b) Right to receive full dividends and other distributions related to the common shares that may be declared by the Company, in proportion to their participation in the Company’s share capital;

(c) In each fiscal year, subject to the applicable provisions of the Brazilian Corporation Law and the Articles of Incorporation, the right to a mandatory minimum dividend, in proportion to their participation in the Company’s share capital, not less than 25% (twenty-five percent) of the net income for each fiscal year, adjusted in accordance with Article 202 of the Brazilian Corporation Law, and any additional dividends that may be distributed by resolution of the general meeting or the Board of Directors;

(d) In the event of the Company’s liquidation, the right to receive payments related to the remaining share capital, in proportion to their participation in the Company’s share capital, as provided in Article 109, item II, of the Brazilian Corporation Law;

(e) The right to oversee the management of the Company, as provided in the Brazilian Corporation Law;

(f) Right of first refusal in the subscription of new shares, in proportion to their participation in the Company’s share capital, as granted by Article 109, item IV, of the Brazilian Corporation Law, subject to the provisions of Articles 171 and 172 of the Brazilian Corporation Law;

(g) Right to sell the Company’s common shares under the same conditions granted to the controlling shareholder(s) in the case of a sale, directly or indirectly, for a consideration, of control over the Company, whether through a single transaction or successive transactions, subject to the conditions and deadlines established by current legislation and the Novo Mercado Regulation (tag along);

(h) Right to sell the Company’s common shares in a public offer to be carried out by the Company or its controlling shareholders, in the case of cancellation of the Company’s registration as a publicly held company or cancellation of the listing of the Company’s common shares on the B3’s special securities trading segment, the Novo Mercado, for no less than its economic value, determined by an appraisal report prepared by an institution or company with proven experience and independent in relation to the Company’s decision-making powers, its administrators, and/or controlling shareholders; and

(i) All other benefits granted to holders of the Company’s common shares by the Brazilian Corporation Law, the Novo Mercado Regulation, and the Articles of Incorporation.